90年代より黒人ミュージシャンとFUNK BANDで活動。
ACO、UAなどJ-POPシンガーの実験/前衛的なプロジェクトやレコーディング、NY HIP HOP黎明期の伝説ラメルジーのアルバム&ライブ参加、アルゼンチン音響系ギタリスト、フェルナンド・カブサッキとのレコーディングやライブ共演、Max/Mspを駆使したportable[k]ommunity、灰野敬二、ボアダムス、DJ KRUSH他とのライブ共演、ソロ活動としては、ソロやバンド形態で年間100本を超える国内や海外でのライブサーキット、美術館などでのサウンドインスタレーションなど。
プロジェクトとしてはAmbient Space Funk Unit"NUTRON"や、山本精一らと結成した数学的グルーヴユニット”PARA”、ドラマー沼澤尚との活動や、マルコススザーノとのブラジルでの共演など、ボーダーレスで多岐に渡る。

YOSHITAKE EXPE is an extraordinary guitarist from the city of Osaka , Japan whose backbone can be found in a Funk Band in the 90s accompanied by American musicians.
With the use of numerous compact effectors he has established a unique Space guitar sound whilst processing sound with a story-like flow like that of a DJ with influences found in P-funk , Electro Techno , with a Brian Eno vibe and sensibility of Brazilian music , at times playing the guitar percussively creating improvised robotic house music , at times playing a sensual guitar solo , but at times very organic with a soothing acoustic sound and is guaranteed to take you on a space odyssey.
He has collaborated with varying types of artists from visual artists and painters , avant-garde , improvisational , jazz , techno , hip-hop , world music , music for film and soundtracks and is also highly regarded as a club DJ and continues to expand his musical horizon . He has also held an exhibition of sound installations accompanied with a 100 hour performance in art museums.
Nutron s debut album was voted "best album of the year(2003)" by Music Magazine and made an appearance at Fuji Rock Festival in 2004 .For the past 5 years he has been playing over 150 shows annually with his solo project .
His current projects involve a Space Funk duo with world class drummer Takashi Numazawa , Space Dub Funk with dub mixer Naoyuki Uchida and also formed a Super-Unit PARA together with Seiichi Yamamoto. Amongst many collaborations his performance with the treasure of Brazil , Marcos Suzano is especially memorable .